Strength Training Vs Bodyweight Training : Benefits, Myths & Advice

‘Skill is only developed by hours and hours of work’                                                                                                                                                  -Usain Bolt Though we all are ready with hard work & dedication to achieve our goal, we are often confused about the better choices of training. In my previous article I have discussed ‘why the variations in training programs are necessary.’ So, today I am […]

These 5 Gender Differences Make Women More Flexible Than Man

According to the definition Flexibility is the quality of muscles to bend easily without breaking. Humans are born with flexibility and that lose with time. According to Yoga, a stiff body is the result of toxins accumulated in the joints of the body which blocks the flow of prana or vital source that leads to […]

How To Cure Arthritis At Home : A Yogic Treatment

Immense knee pain and  regular joint aches have become unending problems for most of the people in the present time. The swelling and irreversible destruction of  joints leaving the patient handicapped and somewhat weakened. This condition of inflammation and reduced flexibility of joints is called Arthritis. The long time medications and impairment in the functioning of […]

The Science behind meditation and 5 simple tips for beginners

“We are spiritual in either conscious or unconscious way. We all belong to the same spiritual journey and we precisely reach our destination sooner or later”. These days, many people are moving towards Mediation for their inner longing of authenticity, compassion, love and inner peace. They found it efficacious in terms of their work, health […]

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