Online Prenatal Yoga Course 85 Hours

Welcome to Pinaki Yoga’s Online Prenatal Yoga 85 Hours Teacher Training Course!

At Pinaki Yoga, we believe that every stage of life is an opportunity for growth and transformation. we embrace the transformative power of yoga, especially during the sacred journey of pregnancy Our Online Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Course is designed for individuals passionate about guiding expectant mothers through a mindful and empowering yoga practice to guide and support them on their unique journey through pregnancy.

About Pinaki Yoga School

Pinaki Yoga School is a renowned institution committed to the holistic well-being of individuals through the ancient art of yoga. At Pinaki Yoga, we believe pregnancy is a spiritual process as it was always in ancient Bharat. We understand that the journey of motherhood is a sacred and transformative experience. In last 1 decade we have helped more than 5000 mothers in their motherhood journey.

With a legacy of excellence, our school has been a guiding light for countless individuals seeking a deeper understanding of yoga. With our prenatal yoga curriculum, you also get a closer experience of ongoing prenatal yoga classes. We have designed this program in such a way that the spiritual essence of pregnancy remains intact.

Why Choose Pinaki Yoga Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Online Course

1. Experienced Instructors:

Learn from experienced yoga instructors and prenatal specialists who are dedicated to sharing their knowledge and guiding you on your teaching journey.

2. Flexible Learning:

Our online platform allows you to study at your own pace, ensuring that you can seamlessly integrate the course into your busy schedule.

3. Comprehensive Curriculum:

Dive deep into the art and science of prenatal yoga. Our curriculum covers anatomy and physiology during pregnancy, modifications for asanas, breathing techniques, and the art of creating a supportive and nurturing yoga environment for expectant mothers.

4. Interactive and Engaging Sessions:

Participate in live sessions, discussions, and practical demonstrations. Benefit from an immersive and interactive learning experience that prepares you for real-world teaching.

5. Globally Recognized Certification:

Upon successful completion, receive a certification from Pinaki Yoga, a globally recognized institution in the field of yoga, affiliated with World Yoga Alliance.

The Pinaki Advantage for Yoga Teachers

1. Specialized Training:

Our course is crafted specifically for yoga teachers, offering a unique blend of Ayurvedic knowledge and practical applications tailored to your teaching practice.

2. Certification:

Upon completion, you will receive a Pinaki Yoga certification, attesting to your expertise in Ayurveda, prenatal wellness, and child care within the yoga context.

3. Continued Support:

Join a community of like-minded yoga teachers who have undergone the same transformative journey. Benefit from ongoing support, resources, and a network of professionals dedicated to women's wellness.



Prenatal + Childbirth Education



What is pregnancy yoga

Benefits & Precautions

Preparation before starting pregnancy yoga

Reproductive Organs & functions

Structure & Shape of different Pelvis

Anatomy of muscles engaged in birthing & pregnancy.

Ayurvedic view of female cycle.

Menstrual Cycle


Feminine energy & spiritual connection

Problems related to menstrual cycle.

Asanas & pranayama for healthy menstrual cycle



Signs & symptoms of pregnancy

Traditional practices to follow for healthy conception.

Nutrition for healthy conception

Ayurvedic view for Healthy Conception

Asanas to avoid during conception.

Types of Infertility in men and women

Diet and nutrition to overcome infertility.

Asanas to promote fertility.

Meditation to promote fertility.

Pregnancy Anatomy & Physiology

Month by month changes in mothers body

Month by month fetus growth

Pregnancy Complications month by month

Asanas for special case in pregnancy

Asanas for 3rd trimester

Meditation for 3rd trimester

Pranayama for Pregnancy

Asanas for labor preparation

Asanas for self induction

Signs & symptoms of labor

Types of labor

Asanas & Pranayama during labor

Pushing Technique

Labor meditation

Asanas for Postnatal Recovery

Pranayam for Postnatal

Asanas to avoid in Cesarian.

Postpartum Mother & Baby Care

Post Pregnancy Nutrition & Diet

Breastfeeding technique

Different positions for Breastfeeding

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Diet during pregnancy

Important Nutrition for baby brain development

Nutrition for newborn till 12 months

Importance of meditation before, during & after pregnancy

Meditation effect on mother & unborn baby

Mantras Chanting


Sound healing

Fetal talk

Teaching Methods

How to Build your own program

Interactive Sessions with Your Students

Stay Connected with Your students

Let your student enjoy your session

Live classes access

Special session with Gynaecologist

Q and A


Join Us on the Path to Empowerment:

Pregnancy is a transformative and sacred time, and as a Prenatal Yoga Teacher, you have the power to guide and support mothers on their journey. Embrace this opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of expectant mothers while deepening your understanding of yoga.
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